
Caroline Bacquet

The beginning of the 21st century has been characterized by the acceleration of a social and environmental crisis without precedent in our trajectory as a species. Global warming, together with other anthropogenic factors, threaten homeostasis and balance of terrestrial ecosystems, endangering the welfare of species that inhabit it. It is thus crucial to generate instances of reflection and dialogue that unite academia, productivity, and civil society in the generation of joint and concrete actions to face these global challenges. This symposium will present an ideal space to delve deeper into three levels of intervention. First, to analyze perspectives and concepts for facing the current environmental crisis, critically evaluating its conceptual status and applicability. Second, to assess the processes and effects of global change in neotropical ecosystems. Last, to evaluate academic proposals in terms of applied research into remediation of vulnerable ecosystems. We anticipate this symposium to be a unique opportunity for generating innovative perspectives which are transversal and socially compromised.



Climate change processes and its effects in Neotropical ecosystems.

Re-thinking paradigms in genetics, ecology and biodiversity conservation.

Investigación aplicada a la restauración y resiliencia de ecosistemas vulnerablesApplied research into restoration and resilience of vulnerable ecosystems.